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How to import LinkedIn profiles from post's like and comments?

Here, we will see how to import users as contacts who like or comment on any posts in your LinkedIn feed.

You can fetch likes or comments from posts that are not in the "Suggestions" section. This means the post must belong to someone you follow or are connected with. Alternatively, the post must have been liked or commented on by someone you follow or are connected with.

However, there are certain posts like "Suggested" posts where you cannot fetch users who liked or commented on them.

On the LinkedIn feed page, you can see the "Quicklead" button on the right side.

When you click on that button, you will see this page on the extension.
Now click on the "POST EXTRACT" button, and you will be redirected to this screen.

As you can see, you need to paste the post URL in this input section. To do that, click on the three dots.

By clicking on the three dots, you will see a popup. The second option is "Copy link to post." Simply click on that option.

Once the link is copied, paste it into the input section of the extension, then click on the "EXTRACT" button.

To create a new list, click on the "New List" button as per your requirements.

You can extract users only up to your credit limit in your Quicklead account.

After completing the process, you will see this screen.

After completing process you can see screen like this:

When you click on "GO TO MY CONTACT," you can see that all the users have been successfully fetched into your Quicklead account.

If you want to get users who commented on the post, click on "Comments" and then extract the commented users as you extracted the liked users.

Click on "Comments," view the commented users, and follow the same process as for liked users.

This way, you can fetch users who liked or commented on posts, up to your Quicklead fetch limit.

Updated on: 28/11/2024

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